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Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha Chapter, NSDAR
Seneca Falls, New York
Welcome to our chapter website, where you can learn more about our history, our current members, as well as ask questions about our volunteer organization's activities and programs in Seneca Falls, New York.
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR) is a non-profit, non-political, volunteer women's service organization comprising 3,000 chapters and over 1,000,000 members.
Our chapter, founded in 1896, chose the name, "Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha," to honor a famous Native American, by the same name, also known as "Red Jacket." Believed to have been born near Canoga Creek in Seneca County, New York, he became a distinguished orator and influential leader. His name means "He Keeps Them Awake."
Sagoyewatha, Red Jacket's father was a member of the Cayuga Tribe and his mother was a member of the Seneca Tribe. From his mother, he derived his rank of chief of the Wolf Clan of the Seneca. He was presented with a medal by George Washington in recognition of his friendship with the United States.
The chapter is located in Seneca county which includes the Village of Waterloo, the birthplace of Memorial Day. It is also where the first Women's Rights Convention was held in 1848, and the Declaration of Sentiments (outlining women's rights) was signed.
Members participate in local observances of Memorial Day and frequent many of the local historic sites including Rose Hill Mansion, "The Three Bears" historic buildings at the site of the Seneca County Courthouse, and the Sampson Naval and Air Force Museum at Sampson State Park.